A New Beginning..

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Often times change is difficult for people with Alzheimer’s dementia so moving my mom from SC to SD CA was a bit concerning for me.  I was not sure how she would respond to the move.  She lived all of her life in Sumter SC.  She spent 7 months with one of my brothers in a small town in NC.  Then off to San Diego she goes.  

I host international students in my home from all over the world.  When she arrived, one of my students, Andrea, from Italy was there anticipating her arrival.  He was accustomed to having elderly around him as his mom cared for her mom for many years.  In most countries it is  the norm and expected of children to care for the parents in the home.  Andrea had put up protective locks on the doors, bar handles on the toilet and a hand rail for the shower.  

My mom responded very well to her new home.  She came in, put her feet up on the couch and bonded well with my students. So much so I took her to the grocery store with Andrea and they laughed and laughed unlike I had ever seen my other laugh before.  I think the vitality of the youth in the home helped her spirit tremendously.

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Finding Day Care for Ms. Lula


A Walk in the Park